4 Signs That Your Door Frame is Rotting
Sep 27, 2021
Not sure if you’re dealing with wood rot? Unfortunately, doorframes are commonly made of wood — and wood is highly susceptible to a variety of environmental factors, from insects to water damage to good ol’ aging.
There are a few tricks to stay on top of wood rot, and to help stave off any damage that comes as a result of it. Ahead, we’re discussing four telltale signs of wood rot, and what you can do to prevent it.
Your doorframe may have wood rot if:
It Looks … Off
Sometimes, all you have to do is give your doorframe a once-over to see that something isn’t the way it should be. Take a look to see if your doorframe appears distorted, or if there are visible signs of cracking and crumbling paint. Take a screwdriver and gently poke at the wood — is it soft? Excess moisture and years of use can contribute to these issues, and if you see them, you may be dealing with wood rot.

There Are Functional Issues
Does the door jam as you try to open or close it? Do you find you have to give it a hard yank to get the door open? Wood rot can warp the wood on the doorframe, which causes the door to sit unevenly within the frame.
You See Dark Spots
Lightly speckled or solidly dark areas on your doorframe indicate mold or mildew — and neither is a good thing. The lowest part of your doorframe are the most common sections to get water damage, thanks in large part to rain splashing against the frame and threshold.
You Detect a Draft
Rotten spots in your wood cause warped doors that don’t properly close, and as a result, the doors let in air and moisture. Not only is this annoying, but it can also get to be expensive! Drafts in your door will let hot air in during the summer and let heat out in the winter, meaning your HVAC will have to work overtime.

RELATED: For more easy ways to make your home energy efficient, check out our top tips here.
Wondering how you can avoid wood rot altogether? The number one trick is to do your best to keep excess water and moisture at bay. Although repairing or replacing your doorframe can be tedious, it’s not as expensive as repairing subsequent damage to your interior floors! Frequently assessing your doorframe — especially after storms — and diverting water away from your door using sill pans or gutters are good preventative measures to take in order to keep things protected.
And when the time does come to replace your door, we have you covered! Check out our range of durable exterior doors here.