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5 Tips for De-cluttering Your Closets 5 Tips for De-cluttering Your Closets

5 Tips for De-cluttering Your Closets

With spring just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get a jumpstart on your spring-cleaning. And what better place to start than your closets? These spaces are notorious for getting over-cluttered and disorganized — likely due to easily closed doors that put mess out of sight and out of mind.

So, take a deep breath, open up your closet door and follow these five tips for a successful de-cluttering.

Take everything out

While it can be somewhat intimidating to do, removing every single item from your closet and starting fresh ensures that nothing unwanted will be overlooked. Having a blank slate will allow you to properly organize everything piece by piece.

Make piles

Sort clothes, shoes and other items into “keep,” “donate” and “trash” piles so you can clearly see what’s staying and what’s going. Feel free to also start a “maybe” pile if you aren’t sure about a particular item. Then, once everything is sorted, you can go back to see how you feel.

Figure out an organizational structure

Depending on the size and purpose of your closet, take time to strategize how to re-organize the space. What arrangement makes the most functional sense? What items do you need front and center?

Invest in storage pieces

Whether its an over-the-door shoe rack or baskets for the top rack, the right storage pieces can help keep your space streamlined and organized — for longer than just a few days. Ideally, you want your de-cluttered closet to be sustainable for the long-term so you don’t find yourself going through the same process again in just a few months.

Be ruthless

Do your best to think critically about your belongings and what you really need. If you have clothing items that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in more than a year, they probably aren’t worth hanging on to. While it can be hard to say goodbye to items that meant something to you at one time, you might be surprised by how freeing it feels to get rid of unnecessary clutter.

With more functional and easy to use closets, you’ll be ready to tackle your day with minimal frustrations.


Looking for a new closet door to fully upgrade your space? Shop our interior selection here.

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