Mixing and Matching Interior Door Styles
Jan 03, 2022
Whether you’re renovating room by room, starting fresh with a new build, or simply looking to level-up your existing doors, door selection can feel overwhelming. Matching doors are the standard for a reason; this design choice can add a subtle flow and elegance to a home.
Having a hodgepodge collection of too many different styles can look busy and messy when it’s done incorrectly. However, with the right mix, multiple door styles can make your home a bit more interesting and diverse. Ahead, we’re diving into more dos and don’ts for incorporating multiple interior door styles into your home.
Tip #1: Go by color.
Using all white doors with slightly different styles can result in an elegant, modern design. Alternatively, using all glass doors with varying pane styles can give a bright, light-filled look. The key here is not choosing one favorite and installing it on every single entryway in your home, but finding a general theme that suits your home and working within those parameters.
Tip #2: Choose a single wood type.
Perhaps you stick with all mahogany doors, but in two varying styles. Perhaps you opt for 3-panel Shaker Style doors for the kitchen, dining room and playroom entries, but 6-panel Shaker Style doors for all the bedrooms and bathrooms. In this case, your home style would effortlessly flow together thanks to the wood type, but wouldn’t be entirely matchy-matchy.
Tip #3: Keep hardware consistent.
Another way to maintain uniformity without sticking exclusively to one look is to mix and match doors, but install matching hardware throughout. Even if your door styles or wood type varies, having all brass or all brushed bronze door handles and locks can bring that element of cohesiveness to a home.

Remember: Cohesive does not mean identical! Our number one tip? Choose one consistent element for every single door, even if they don’t match each other exactly.
Ultimately, the right doors for your home depend on your personal preference — and there’s no truly right or wrong answer when it comes to your tastes. Not sure what your personal preference is quite yet?