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Do It Yourself

Is It Time to Replace Your Doors?

You use the doors in your home every single day — and between all the opening and closing, they go through a lot. It’s understandable that, over time, doors wear out and need to be replaced. But how do you know when it’s time? 

The Weather is Getting Colder — Are Your Doors Sealed?

With colder weather just around the corner, we have one very important question for you: Are your doors sealed?  Maybe you’ve been meaning to get around to it. Maybe you’ve never considered doing it. Maybe you haven’t lived in your home very long and you aren’t even sure. Either way, we’re here to make our case. 

Let’s Talk About Gutters

At best, gutters are unappreciated. At worst, they’re mocked. Think about it — when you describe something as going, “down the gutter”...well... it’s never a good thing. 

Need a Refresh? Here's What Color to Paint Your Front Door

Is the facade of your home looking a little...dull?  Don't worry — you don't have to spring for all new siding to get...

Use This Checklist to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter weather can wreak havoc on your home — that's why it's important to use the fall to prepare. With this checkli...

How Long Should Your Front Door Last?

If you’ve never needed to replace your front door before, you might be wondering: just how long should it last, anywa...

How to Prep for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season can be a nerve-wracking time for homeowners, especially if you live near the coast. Luckily, thanks to advanced warning from forecasters, you can take steps to prepare your home and minimize damage.

How to Do Home Reno on a Budget

Having a vision for your home is one thing…and having the budget for it is another. However, just because you can’t a...

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filters?

For many homeowners, changing your air filters falls into the “out of sight, out of mind” category. However, making i...

How to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Conserving energy is important both for the health of the planet and the cost of your utility bill — but chances are,...

Pocket Doors: What You Need to Know

You know that room you’ve always wished you could close off with a door, but opening and closing one wouldn’t work wi...

Try This DIY Wooden Door Repair Trick to Fix a Dent

It’s a fact of life: no matter how careful you are, accidents just sometimes happen. Maybe you were moving in a new piece of furniture and undershot the size of the doorframe. Maybe a game of roughhouse got a little too rough. Regardless of the series of events, you’re now staring down a dent in your once-beautiful wooden door.
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