Which Way Should Interior Doors Swing?
Jul 19, 2023
Noticing which way a door swings is one of those things that you never notice until the time comes for your own upgrade. And then, it seems like an impossible decision. So, what’s the right answer: In or out?
There’s no rule that spells out which way the doors should swing in your home—that’s ultimately up to the homeowners. There is a general consensus, however. Inside most homes, the doors swing inward into a room.
There are a few key reasons why most people choose to have interior doors swing inward.
Most doors that open into an interior room like a bedroom, bathroom, or office are designed to push to enter and pull to close.The swing of a door can be an obstruction for furniture, narrow hallways, and walkways, so having them swing inward makes entering less clunky.
If a door opens inward, you’re less likely to accidentally bump into someone in the hallway as you exit.
With the hinges on the inside, they’re less likely to be tampered with. Plus, if a child accidentally locks themselves inside a room, it’s easier to break down a door by pushing it forward.
For bedrooms, there’s a certain element of “ahh!” that happens when you open the door and see your space. An inward swinging door offers the best view of your decor.

Practical Considerations:
There are a few instances when a door swinging outward may make more sense. For example, if an inward swinging door bumps into a dresser, blocks the toilet, or makes a lightswitch inaccessible, it may be smarter to open in the other direction.
Whichever way you want your door to open, you’ll want to start with quality construction and beautiful style. From French to Arch Top to Shaker Style, browse our range of interior doors to find the perfect fit.